Too many education brands assume people will listen to them because they’re educators. Everyday learning is being democratized — which means you’ll have to define, build, and defend your brand authority. Here’s how. Schools, colleges, and universities once had a...
Higher ed enrollment marketers have had their sights set on Millennials for a while now. But it’s time to change your strategy to reach Gen Z prospective students. According to William Strauss and Neil Howe, authors of Millennials Rising, Millennials are anyone born...
QR codes are growing in popularity. But should higher ed marketers use QR codes in their marketing strategies? I definitely think so. Here’s why. Like barcodes, QR codes are symbols that convey information to computers visually. And like a barcode, QR codes require an...
The third marketing condition you need for your school to grow is a solid education brand promise. Are you making and keeping yours? Education marketing is built on promises. What does your college, university, or school promise to give your prospective student in...
For those of us in education marketing, the first thing we think of when talking about segmentation is demographics. But if you stop there, you’ll miss the real power behind marketing segmentation. In the vast amounts of material available today on education...