I talk with marketing professionals in higher ed all over the country and in many different types of institutions. These days, there’s one topic that always comes up: ChatGPT. I’ve noticed a range of reactions in my conversations. Some people are excited about the...
Your brand matters. It is the essence of what people think about — and, crucially, how they feel — when they think about your school. Hopefully, at some point, your marketing department put serious effort into articulating a brand identity that gives shape and...
Businesses understand the importance of establishing and cultivating a brand. In higher ed, we’re less often used to thinking in these terms. Like it or not, however, your school has a brand. Being intentional about it makes all the difference. Higher ed marketer Matt...
Saving money when possible is a strategic priority. But sometimes our efforts to save money are counterproductive. Here are some ways higher ed marketers try to save that can end up costing more in the long run. Saving money is great. It’s part of being a responsible...
A while back, we spoke with Shauna Davis and Mary Laphen Pope from the Lumina Foundation about their aspirational branding Million Dollar Community College Challenge. The purpose of the challenge was to raise awareness of the idea that education marketing can be both...