The marketing funnel is a classic model for acquiring prospects and converting them to customers. Adapting it to higher ed is key to a successful enrollment marketing strategy. Basically, the generic AIDA model works like this: Get the attention of a broad set of...
Veteran enrollment marketing is more than a good enrollment strategy – it’s a way to honor those who’ve made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. Is it time to rethink your veteran enrollment marketing strategy? As I write this post, it’s nearing Memorial Day. ...
If your school has Twitter accounts, or you’re thinking of breaking into Twitter, it’s good to check your knowledge of the best practices to help increase student enrollment. For starters, let’s talk about what doesn’t work … Twitter with no strategy....
If you’ve been generating enrollment marketing content for a while, you’ve probably run out of ideas once or twice – or a lot. The secret is to recycle content. Here’s how to do it. First off, what do I mean by “recycling?” Recycling content is taking what you...
Guest post by Tim Fuller, Senior Vice President/Owner, Credo. Tim Fuller is a higher education speaker and trend setter, strategic planner, enrollment analyst, and data enthusiast. Tim leads Credo as an Owner, Senior Vice President, and Executive Leadership Team...