How do the best education marketers out there keep pumping out quality social media posts every single day? Here are 13 valuable facts you need to know about the art of content curation. The surest way to build brand awareness and stay top of mind is to continually...
Social media marketing is an absolute must to establish your education brand’s authority and authenticity. Here are some helpful tips to ramp up your higher education social media strategy. Being successful at higher education social media requires more thought and...
If your marketing messages aren’t reaching people, they aren’t working. Here’s how to ensure your messages on social media are getting where the people are. In vast areas with little rainfall, like much of Africa, it’s amazing what happens when you put a little water...
There’s something seductive about the immediacy of social media that can cause intelligent people to publish the strangest things to their social media profiles. But of all the social media blunders a college or university can commit, the most common killer of social...
These online marketing blunders are easy to spot… when you’re not the one committing them. Today, we list 10 of the most common – and most egregious – social media marketing sins that higher education marketers make, and how you can avoid these costly errors. Blunder...