If you’re still using the same social media strategies from a few years ago, it’s time for a refresh. In today’s digital world, it’s not enough to simply “be on social media.” Platforms are changing, algorithms are shifting, and attention spans are shrinking. Let’s...
Generation Z doesn’t want to be sold to. They want to understand your values, your goals, and why you do what you do. Which means in order to go viral or start trending, the social media strategies you implement need to tell a story. In a previous blog, we...
In the higher ed community, we’re very cautious about new strategies. But there’s no need to be nervous about using these powerful social media strategies we’re talking about today. When you think of higher education institutions, I’ll bet the word “risk”...
Would you know if your social media marketing wasn’t working? Rediscover these 7 social media objectives and see how your social media efforts line up. In today’s digital world, I’m willing to bet you’re running three or more social media platforms. But do you know...
Recently, I wrote “This moment belongs to TikTok.” Now there’s another social media service that wants to cut in on their moment. In 2021, expect to see Instagram push their new TikTok-like feature called Instagram Reels. Time in digital marketing is like dog years....