How to Care for and Train Your Social Media Strategy Far too often, social media is a “pet project” for an organization rather than a critical part of the marketing mix. Without a well defined strategy, your social media might be going to the dogs. In 2010...
Social Media KPIs: Your Key Performance Indicators for Success Far too often, uninformed goals are established for social media success, such as an arbitrary number of likes on Facebook or the number of tweets made during a specified time period. Using social media...
Your Social Media Campaigns May Be Missing Out Our most recent social media blog included several comments on LinkedIn regarding hashtags. Retired educator Joan Gustafson started the comment discussion by asking: “Still not sure about using hashtags….I...
Without a Plan, Your School’s Social Media is Destined To Fail. Social media has been all the rage since the mid 2000’s. Starting with MySpace and moving through Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, the influence of social media is not slowing down. In a January 2014...
Digital Natives Expect More From Your Digital Marketing Than You Do Prospective students and families expect much more digital prowess than many schools give them credit for. Today’s prospects are savvy, smart, and understand how to use technology better than many...