Your Social Media Campaigns May Be Missing Out Our most recent social media blog included several comments on LinkedIn regarding hashtags. Retired educator Joan Gustafson started the comment discussion by asking: “Still not sure about using hashtags….I...
Email marketing is the workhorse marketing channel that’s been producing results for colleges and universities at a much lower cost than traditional media for decades. But as with everything, the way you start out will have a huge impact on how well it performs....
Like most innovations that come from the Cupertino wizards, the whole world of tech has been buzzing about iBeacons ever since Apple first mentioned them in their 2013 WWDC conference. iBeacons are basically small transmitters that use low energy Bluetooth technology...
The year is ending. Students have graduated. Vacations are still a few weeks away. Now is the perfect time to review the state of your higher ed web strategy. Whether your focus is enrollment, marketing, or development, your school’s website is often the first...
To Be Outstanding, You Have to Think More. To stand out in any field, you have to understand the context. In education marketing, the context is to segment, be relevant, and anticipate the questions to provide the answers. Your goal as a marketer is to remove the...