Aligning marketing and enrollment teams in your institution might seem like an impossible task. Marketing and enrollment teams can often seem like they’re working on two different planets! Marketers focus on branding, content, and outreach, while admissions is all...
Most of us know what it’s like to work in teams where trust is the last word you’d use to describe the work environment. In these kinds of teams, marketing professionals work away while the manager hovers over their shoulders like an uninvited guest at a party,...
Strong, cohesive teams in higher ed are not just a byproduct of good management; they are a critical driver of marketing success. It’s hard to carry the weight of leading a marketing team that just isn’t clicking. Like me, I’m sure you’ve been there (or you...
“Data silos” have been at the top of the buzzword pile for a few years now. But the truth is that many higher ed enrollment and marketing departments still don’t quite get each other’s roles. This misunderstanding, and the data silos that come about as a result, can...
It’s easy for your marketing team to become a group of creative project “order-takers” rather than the driving marketing force of your institute. Here’s how to turn it around. Most likely this happens because marketing teams tend to pool together creative...