While it seems to be on the wish list of lots of higher ed marketers, I believe video storytelling would fit better on the “must have” list. Right now, there are a lot of options out there for someone looking for an education. They could go right into the industry...
Tapping into the aura of “The Great American Pastime,” we decided to put together a special edition of The Higher Ed Marketer Podcast: our “Fastball Special.” Every one of our guests has brought great value to the table, so picking just a few to represent an...
Video storytelling is one of those keys to success in higher ed marketing that everyone agrees on, but we all struggle to execute well. Many higher ed marketers recognize its importance, but few of us grasp its true nature and potential for resonating deeply with our...
Your school is unique: Do the right people know that? That was one of the major themes of our conversation with Shane Baglini on our The Higher Ed Marketer Podcast. Shane is the Senior Director of Marketing at Muhlenberg College, in Allentown, PA. Under his watch,...
A while back, we spoke with Shauna Davis and Mary Laphen Pope from the Lumina Foundation about their aspirational branding Million Dollar Community College Challenge. The purpose of the challenge was to raise awareness of the idea that education marketing can be both...